The Cosmic Feminine

Guest Teacher: Jasmine Rose

Join Jasmine Rose on a journey into claiming the true guardianship of your Pussy & Womb temple. Receive teachings around the Blood Mysteries,  breast & vulva massage, connecting the heart and womb through somatic prayer. Explore why mobilising your root is essential for Womb Led Leadership (union of our masculine and feminine). Receive a sensual map of your womanhood, explored and expressed through the body. This mini-training will move between teachings on the womb arts and tangible, tactile exploration.

Womb Guardianship

About Jasmine

Jasmine Rose is a bridge between the Spirit and Body of the Womb - from Priestess to Pelvic Care, she holds the torch for women to walk the spiral home to their deepest feminine nature, through all of the cycles and seasons of Woman. A true resurrection of the love and literacy of our Womb bodies. With Jasmine as your guide, you will be invited to remember the medicine of your own hands, breath, sound, and beating heart as you follow the map back down into your roots. Jasmine walks and guides with deep reverence of all aspects of the Womb and of Woman - wherever you are on your journey of remembrance, you will be held with love. It is such an honour to walk together.

Jasmine's website

the cosmic feminine